The publishing industry is everywhere.


We are subjected to hundreds of media images daily and a writer or team of writers is often behind the concepts of many. A business savvy author can build their brand with patience, presence, and endurance. Publishers have to do the same thing. Publications and magazines even more so.

I recently read a poll from the RWA asking what was most important to readers and the #1 answer was: The author’s name.


Just let than sink in for a moment. Readers want a name they know, an author they can trust. It goes the same way for publications. The name helps gain readers. the content is always important, but the name draws people in.I cannot stress it enough, who you submit to and how you get your name out there is vital to success.

Always aim high, give the smaller avenues a shot because with small there is always room to grow, but make sure that every deal you enter is one that helps move your career further. Publishing credits are golden, but high readership is platinum.

Building your brand sounds so corporate. It often deflates the glamour of the writing life. But it has to be done. And if you get the right angle, you can still be an artist while pulling in some dough.


To start, the social media platform is vital. I know authors who have gotten some success without being very active, but the technological age is here to stay. Most publishers and agents work with email only now. It’s quicker, simpler, and then no one has to worry about paper getting lost in the shuffle.  (It’s also cleaner)

If you use gmail, which I recommend, g+ is right there. You might as well at least start a profile. Most of us have some kind of facebook page. Family members and out-of-town friendships thrive on facebook. Author pages are easily created through your personal page, it takes very little effort to get on there and invite people.

New headshot

All the social media channels have their own style, and their own pull. Finding your voice and connecting with more readers and writers through as many avenues as possible is a great way to build your brand. You don’t have to be a marketing expert to do these things, it’s not as complicated as “Building you brand” sounds.

When I hear that phrase I think of organized businessmen…

men in black

But that’s not at all what it has to be. If anything building a brand is more successful if you have fun with it. Get creative!

In-person events, making friends with local booksellers, traveling to conventions to meet with agents and editors is where things really start to get moving.

You get back what you put in as long as you keep at it. The return may be slow at first, but that’s because the market is flooded and people want to read stories they trust. They trust authors who don’t waste their time.

So don’t waste your time. Write, edit, submit, post, tweet, make contacts, and enjoy it.